COFFEE HOUR SCHEDULE Coffee Hours have resumed. Please join us. Please see Tammie Kerrigan to sign up as a host for upcoming Coffee Hours. ST. MICHAEL'S DAY CELEBRATION We thank everyone for their participation in the St. Michael's Day Celebration and congratulate Christopher Muzzin and his son Matthew Muzzin on winning the Father Michael and Matushka Jane Service Award! COOKIE WALK ANNUAL COOKIE WALK Saturday, December 14th 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM Doors open at 9:30 AM Come Early for Best Selection!
Our Divine Liturgies are being live streamed. You may join us on - go to the search section and search: Saint Michael the Archangel Orthodox Church Redford. We ask that you continue to pray for our country, church and loved ones. Pray with us at the scheduled times of services so we are united in thought and prayer. Please check the Service Schedule calendar for times of all services. |